Why has Italy avoided jihadist terrorist attacks? Our research helps explain. Stefano Bonino and Andrea Beccaro - December 24, 2019 Italy’s centralized intelligence and controversial deportation policy have made a difference.
The radical right’s rise in Europe isn’t fueled by economic grievances. Here’s why. Noam Gidron and Jonathan Mijs - May 23, 2019 Income redistribution won’t put the populist genie back in the bottle.
Italy’s new election rules are supposed to make its government more stable. Don’t count on it. Vincenzo Emanuele and Alessandro Chiaramonte - February 28, 2018 [caption id="attachment_69794" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Attendees listen to a speech by
Italy votes on Sunday. Here’s what you need to know. Matthew Bergman - February 27, 2018 [caption id="attachment_69777" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Demonstrators march with flares during a
The electoral college is a medieval relic. Only the U.S. still has one. Josep Colomer - December 11, 2016 The U.S. electoral college is a medieval relic. For several