How would we know if we were witnessing a revolution in Iran? Charles Kurzman - December 18, 2022 Revolutions are unpredictable. But the Islamic republic itself came to power through a similar scenario.
Iranian women have been protesting mandatory hijab for decades Mona Tajali - October 2, 2022 Both outside and within Iran’s government, women have been strategizing for this moment. So why did the movement catch fire now?
Iran’s security forces have little incentive to ease up on protesters Roya Izadi - September 30, 2022 Will forces remain loyal to the regime? That might depend on their business networks.
Are Iran’s hijab protests different from past protest waves? Ali Kadivar - September 22, 2022 Broader and broader swaths of society are showing that they’re outraged, with grievances that won’t soon go away.