Americans’ respect for the Supreme Court has dipped. That might affect the justices’ decisions this term. Amanda Savage - October 3, 2021 How will they approach one of the most controversial terms in years?
There’s a gender gap in who wins political science book awards — and in how widely they’re cited Raymond Tatalovich and John Frendreis - August 20, 2019 Here’s the fourth article in our series on the gender gap in political science.
Yes, Gillibrand and DeLauro introduced a family leave bill. More important, Republicans are introducing paid leave bills, too. Megan Sholar - February 20, 2019 Paid leave has gone mainstream.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both support paid family leave. That’s a breakthrough. Megan Sholar - September 22, 2016 [caption id="attachment_46702" align="aligncenter" width="1484"] Parents gather in October to support
Will the Recommendation Against Ovarian Cancer Screenings be Embraced? Understanding Public Skepticism About Research-Based Treatment Guidelines John Sides - September 11, 2012 This is a guest post from University of Virginia political
Registration Open for 5th Annual NYU-CESS Conference on Experimental Political Science Joshua Tucker - January 23, 2012 Registration is now open for the 5th Annual NYU-CESS Experimental