If the Supreme Court undermines Roe v. Wade, contraception could be banned Rachel VanSickle-Ward and Kevin Wallsten - December 10, 2021 Constitutional protections for birth control could be on shaky ground.
The Bangles, ‘Crash and Burn’: The Week In One Song Christopher Federico - September 17, 2021 The California recall crashes and burns.
11 openly LGBTQ lawmakers will take their seats in the next Congress. That’s a record in both numbers and diversity. Gabriele Magni, Charles Gossett, Andrew R. Flores, and Andrew Reynolds - November 29, 2020 The “rainbow wave” hit state legislatures, as well.
What’s next after the Supreme Court’s birth control ruling? Rachel VanSickle-Ward and Kevin Wallsten - July 17, 2020 Last week’s decision won’t end the fight over contraception coverage.
Would Booker and Castro be in tonight’s debate if polls counted people of color accurately? Matt Barreto - December 18, 2019 Most polls misrepresent the Democratic electorate. Here’s how that skews the results.
Should college athletes profit from endorsements? White Americans are split by racial attitudes. Tatishe M. Nteta, Lauren McCarthy, and Kevin Wallsten - October 24, 2019 This new study shows a stark divide.
Trump’s travel ban really was a Muslim ban, data suggests Vahid Niayesh - September 25, 2019 What the Trump administration’s data can and can’t tell us about the true effect of the travel ban
Should contraception be sold over the counter? AOC and Ted Cruz aren’t actually allies on this. Rachel VanSickle-Ward and Kevin Wallsten - June 23, 2019 Democrats and Republicans remain starkly divided over the details.
Whites oppose — and blacks support — paying NCAA athletes, especially when they’re thinking about race Tatishe M. Nteta, Lauren McCarthy, and Kevin Wallsten - May 14, 2018 Last Monday, Kylia Carter, the mother of former Duke basketball
Why do we need new rules on shipping emissions? Well, 90 percent of global trade depends on ships. Jessica Green - April 17, 2018 [caption id="attachment_72341" align="aligncenter" width="960"] The Foss Maritime hybrid tug Carolyn