Good to Know: Impeachment Andrew Rudalevige - January 13, 2024 With House Republicans holding an impeachment inquiry against Pres. Biden, here's what to know about this constitutional tool.
Impeachment exists because the Founding Fathers made a mistake. Several, actually. Josep Colomer - December 3, 2019 This explains why the House has turned to impeachment three times in less than 50 years
The electoral college is a medieval relic. Only the U.S. still has one. Josep Colomer - December 11, 2016 The U.S. electoral college is a medieval relic. For several
Are Political Scientists Stupider than Economists but Smarter than Sociologists? Henry Farrell - November 29, 2008 I don't usually cross-post, but this "comment from Larry Summers":
Do incumbent governments do better in economic crises? Henry Farrell - October 14, 2008 Andrew (like most other political scientists who have studied this)