Potpourri Joshua Tucker - September 15, 2011 * "Bruce Bueno do Mesquita":http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-september-28-2009/bruce-bueno-de-mesquita and "Alastair Smith":http://politics.as.nyu.edu/object/AlastairSmith (who will
From AAA to AA+: Markets, governments and the downgrade Layna Mosley - August 6, 2011 Standard and Poor’s downgrade of United States debt came after
Rupert Murdoch and Preference Falsification Henry Farrell - July 18, 2011 I did a Bloggingheads debate with Felix Salmon last week,
2011 Portuguese Parliamentary Election: Post-Election Report Joshua Tucker - June 8, 2011 As part of our continuing series of election reports, we
“One of the Fingers on the Button Will be German”: German Economic Preferences over EU Institutions and the Irish Economic Crisis Henry Farrell - January 21, 2011 Most of the contributions to this seminar begin with Germany's
Discovering the Limits of Ordnungspolitik - January 21, 2011 As the Euro crisis deepened, the German government's crisis management
Not Just a German Problem: Lessons from the EMU Sovereign Debt Crisis for Global Adjustment Matthias Matthijs - January 19, 2011 _The German question never dies. Instead, like a flu virus,
Germany: Europe’s Company Store Wade Jacoby - January 19, 2011 Two popular views of Germany have dominated the current debate
The End Game for the Euro: German Rules and Bondholder Revolts Mark Blyth - January 18, 2011 bq. _Things Continue, `Till they Don't ..._ The end game
Too Fast and Too Furious? Germany as Europe’s New Drift King - January 18, 2011 Why is Germany in Europe's catbird seat? Yes, it's Europe's