Brazil’s president is rallying his base — so that he can expand his power Mollie Cohen, Matthew L. Layton, Mason Moseley, and Amy Erica Smith - May 11, 2021 Our research finds that voters may encourage democratically elected leaders to undermine democracy
Argentina legalized abortion. Here’s what it means for Latin America. Taylor Boas, Mason Moseley, Mariela Daby, and Amy Erica Smith - January 17, 2021 Abortion rights advocates focused on public health consequences for women in poverty.
Trump keeps invoking the ‘American Dream.’ Americans are pessimistic that they can achieve it. Jennifer Wolak and David A. M. Peterson - September 20, 2020 That makes them less likely to respond to rhetoric about it.
Who thinks that Latinos shouldn’t be able to vote? Mark D. Ramirez and David A. M. Peterson - August 9, 2020 Here’s how our new study measured this under-acknowledged form of racism.
How are Iowa voters picking candidates? Michael Greenberger, Marc J. Hetherington, David A. M. Peterson, Colin Case, and Abby Cassario - January 27, 2020 You’ve probably never considered this quality
Catholic leaders in the Amazon are talking about ‘ecological conversion.’ Here’s what this means. Amy Erica Smith - November 12, 2019 The Amazon Synod also proposed allowing married deacons to become priests.
Did Hillary Clinton’s criticism help or hurt Tulsi Gabbard’s candidacy? David A. M. Peterson - November 6, 2019 Here’s what our research found.
Why do professors who are women publish less research than men? Here’s what we found. Paul Djupe, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand Sokhey - August 26, 2019 Here’s the seventh in our series on the gender gap in political science.
Political science professors assign fewer readings by women than by men. Here’s why that matters. Heidi Hardt and Amy Erica Smith - August 20, 2019 Here’s the third article in our series on the gender gap in political science.
In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s victory may mean further shifts in tolerance and moderation Matthew L. Layton and Amy Erica Smith - November 2, 2018 [caption id="attachment_79722" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A supporter waves a flag with