The International Space Station's scientific payoff is real. And increasing. John Sides - October 25, 2013 [caption id="attachment_2197" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] (NASA/NASA)[/caption] This is a guest
Economics Nobel and Elinor Ostrom Erik Voeten - October 15, 2012 The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of
Over-the-top claims about politics: one more time Andrew Gelman - September 13, 2012 I'd like to see Paul Krugman's evidence for this claim:
Remembering Elinor Ostrom John Sides - June 12, 2012 I did not know her personally, and am not well-qualified
More on 2012 Russian Presidential Elections and Post-Election Protests Joshua Tucker - March 6, 2012 From Regina Smyth, a political scientist at Indiana University who is
The Complicated Views of Pro- and Anti-Putin Protestors John Sides - March 2, 2012 This is a guest post by Regina Smyth, a political
The Most Recent Anti-Putin Protest: Evidence of a Nascent Russian Civil Society Joshua Tucker - February 5, 2012 In my post on Friday, I suggested that the cold
The Complexity that is Current Russian Politics Joshua Tucker - December 9, 2011 Our next election report comes from Regina Smyth of Indiana
Graduate Student Workshop in Fiscal Sociology John Sides - February 4, 2011 "Isaac Martin": sends along this announcement. Looks interesting! bq. In
Politics Everywhere: American Political Science Association Edition Henry Farrell - September 30, 2010 Competitive elections between rival slates of candidates for the APSA