The pope said he supports civil unions for same-sex couples. American Catholics will approve. Ryan Burge - October 22, 2020 Even Republican Catholics have a favorable view of lesbians and gay men.
Catholic leaders in the Amazon are talking about ‘ecological conversion.’ Here’s what this means. Amy Erica Smith - November 12, 2019 The Amazon Synod also proposed allowing married deacons to become priests.
71 countries are negotiating a new biodiversity treaty. Here’s what you need to know. Rachel Tiller, De Santo, Elizabeth Mendenhall, and Elizabeth Nyman - September 19, 2018 [caption id="attachment_77914" align="aligncenter" width="960"] (NOAA/NASA/AP)[/caption] On Monday, under United Nations
This is what two popes, Francis and Benedict, had to say to the United Nations Mathison Clore and Erik Voeten - September 25, 2015 [caption id="attachment_29919" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Word cloud from UN speeches by