Note to the “quals”: Instead of competing with the “quants,” take advantage of quantitive understanding to do better qualitative reporting and analysis Andrew Gelman - July 2, 2010 Mark Palko sends in this from Sean Trende: Writing on
Feel the Anger, People John Sides - June 8, 2010 Today, Gallup tells me that "U.S. Voters Favor Congressional Newcomers
New Public Opinion Numbers on Healthcare, and Why We Shouldn’t Be Surprised Joshua Tucker - March 23, 2010 Three quick observations on the "apparently stunning turnaround": in public
How Much Does “Process” Matter in Healthcare Reform? Apparently 3% Joshua Tucker - March 16, 2010 The Monkey Cage has gone on record recently arguing that
Let’s Just Pile On Maureen Dowd John Sides - January 14, 2010 This was Dowd, as quoted in my previous post: bq.
Obama Still Loved by Liberals John Sides - January 5, 2010 Henry noted the dust-up between the netroots and wonkosphere over
1982 vs. 2010: The Difference is in Out-party Identification Joshua Tucker - November 16, 2009 My colleague "Pat Egan": sends along the following observation about
Crime: Perceptions and Reality, Redux John Sides - October 15, 2009 In comments on my earlier post, Andy and then Michael
Crime: The Striking Gap between Perceptions and Reality John Sides - October 14, 2009 A new survey from Gallup suggests that "Americans perceive increased
Gallup’s M.O. John Sides - September 30, 2009 It is: trumpet the significance of small changes in responses