Biden’s broad marijuana pardon has precedents Andrew Rudalevige - October 7, 2022 In some ways, it looks like Jimmy Carter’s amnesty for Vietnam War draft dodgers
Presidents can’t declassify documents with Green Lantern superpowers Andrew Rudalevige and Kenneth Mayer - August 18, 2022 Let’s look at the many, many holes in Donald Trump’s theory of executive power.
Will governments use pandemic emergency orders to expand their powers indefinitely? Chrystie Swiney - June 1, 2020 Two things — watchdogs and sunset provisions — help prevent governments from restricting rights indefinitely
Here’s what you need to know about the presidential power to pardon Andrew Rudalevige - July 24, 2017 Early Saturday morning, President Trump declared via tweet that
Here’s what data science tells us about Hillary Clinton’s emails Rohan Shah and Matthew Connelly - November 2, 2016 [caption id="attachment_48755" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Hillary Clinton speaks during the first
Has Obama delivered the 'most transparent' administration in history? John Sides - March 16, 2015 [caption id="attachment_21392" align="aligncenter" width="908"] President Obama speaks at the White
Has Obama delivered the ‘most transparent’ administration in history? - March 16, 2015 [caption id="attachment_21392" align="aligncenter" width="908"] President Obama speaks at the White
We Can’t Wait (Except When We Can) Andrew Rudalevige - April 23, 2012 This weekend, former Nixon staffer Charles Colson died at the
Whistleblower vs. Leaker? Joshua Tucker - June 9, 2011 I received an email from a Monkey Cage reader that