Soldiers and police are on the streets as Ugandans prepare to vote Travis Curtice - January 12, 2021 The government has cracked down on the opposition for months
U.S. school principals discriminate against Muslims and atheists, our study finds Steven Pfaff, John Holbein, Holger L. Kern, and Charles Crabtree - September 10, 2020 Nineteen years after the 9/11 attacks, anti-Muslim bias still operates widely
How will Americans respond when there’s another split between the electoral college and the popular vote? Susan Stokes, Shun Yamaya, Mitchell Sanders, John Carey, Gretchen Helmke, and Brendan Nyhan - September 7, 2020 Only Democrats think this scenario makes the election less legitimate
How the media describes Kamala Harris’ ethnicity doesn’t affect what voters think of her Yusaku Horiuchi, Katherine Clayton, and Charles Crabtree - September 1, 2020 Americans may have already formed their opinions about the two tickets and candidates
Autocratic governments are using coronavirus as a pretext to clamp down on opponents Travis Curtice, Mel Pavlik, Hilary Matfess, and Don Grasse - July 30, 2020 Here’s what we found in Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The military is making changes in response to Black Lives Matter protests. That’s good for fighting wars. Jason Lyall - July 27, 2020 New research looks at ethnic and racial inequalities in armies across 250 different wars
It’s college admissions season, and students are looking for diverse campuses Yusaku Horiuchi, Katherine Clayton, and John Carey - April 13, 2020 All kinds of students want classmates from an array of underrepresented groups
In the U.S. criminal justice system, algorithms help officials make better decisions, our research finds Zhiyuan “Jerry” Lin, Sharad Goel, Jongbin Jung, and Jennifer Skeem - March 1, 2020 We checked a 2018 Dartmouth study that disagreed
The U.S. might ratify the ERA. What would change? Lisa Baldez - January 22, 2020 Here’s what we can learn from states that already have equal rights amendments.
Trump is still pushing for a new nuclear deal with Iran. How likely is that? Nicholas Miller - January 14, 2020 Let’s examine the key factors for pursuing such a deal.