The real college admissions scandal isn’t bribes and cheating. It’s how wealth tilts the playing field. Scott E. Page - March 21, 2019 If you can choose from 18 sports and 150 clubs, you have more chances to excel.
Goodbye to the genius who changed the way we think (and you didn't even know it) - August 19, 2015 [caption id="attachment_14097" align="aligncenter" width="720"] John Holland's complexity studies helped us
Goodbye to the genius who changed the way we think (and you didn’t even know it) Scott Page - August 19, 2015 [caption id="attachment_14097" align="aligncenter" width="720"] John Holland's complexity studies helped us
I won’t touch that except to say that I’d have paid a lot to see Wolfram and Jacques Derrida go one-on-one Henry Farrell - May 19, 2009 Not having been able to get onto the new Wolfram