Delayed holiday gifts? The supply chain crisis isn’t going away soon. Benjamin McKean - December 21, 2021 How corporations organize global production is becoming increasingly unsustainable.
A prosecutor charged the Michigan shooter’s parents. That’s likely to be used against Black parents soon. Evan Bernick - December 8, 2021 When prosecutors’ powers expand broadly, implicit bias means those powers are used disproportionately against racial minorities.
Why the Nashville bomber warned people to evacuate Joseph M. Brown - December 30, 2020 Terrorists often want to persuade civilians to their side — while luring police into danger
What will America’s commitment to Afghanistan look like after the election? Asfandyar Mir - November 1, 2020 The peace negotiations are in flux, and the Taliban has ramped up the violence
How a possible Biden victory is shaping international politics, even before Nov. 3 Scott Wolford and Cathy X. Wu - October 21, 2020 Americans aren’t the only ones watching the 2020 presidential election closely
Italians will vote on a reform to create stable governments. But will it work? Matthew Bergman - September 17, 2020 The governing coalition proposes to shrink the size of Parliament.
If you think the U.S. is having a constitutional crisis, you should see what is happening in Poland Daniel Kelemen and Laurent Pech - January 25, 2020 Poland’s government and Supreme Court are engaged in an epic battle.
Iran shot down a Ukrainian plane. How did Ukraine respond? Orysiya Lutsevych - January 17, 2020 In a tough situation, the government handled most things well.
We’re on the road to impeachment. Here’s what you need to know about what’s ahead. Sarah Binder - December 12, 2019 Watch for party fractures that could make things more interesting.
Here’s what you need to know about the French fuel protests Ashley Nunes - December 4, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81037" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Cars are torched as protesters wearing