How reality-show diplomacy with North Korea could backfire Van Jackson - January 10, 2019 North Korean officials have been quietly meeting with U.S. diplomats
This is the one norm Trump didn’t break when he pulled troops out of Syria Alice Friend - January 6, 2019 Over the holidays, President Trump lashed out at outgoing Defense
The U.S. has pulled back its Ebola response in Congo. Here’s the story. Jeremy Youde - November 8, 2018 [caption id="attachment_79992" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A medical worker puts on protective
5 reasons to be concerned about deploying U.S. troops along the southern border Alice Friend - November 5, 2018 The first few hundred U.S. troops arrived along the southern
Jordan shut out out 60,000 Syrian refugees — and then saw a backlash. This is why. Scott Williamson and Ala’ Alrababa’h - July 20, 2018 [caption id="attachment_75868" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Syrian refugee children stand in front
Could a power-sharing arrangement end protests in Togo? It’s complicated. Alexander Noyes - February 24, 2018 [caption id="attachment_69701" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A woman holds a sign that reads, “Faure!
What went wrong for Mugabe? Most aging dictators don’t get toppled by coups. Erica Frantz and Andrea Kendall-Taylor - November 22, 2017 [caption id="attachment_66568" align="aligncenter" width="960"] People gather outside Harare's airport to
Shinzo Abe won big on Sunday. This is what it means for Japan’s national security policy. Zack Cooper and Michael Green - October 25, 2017 On Sunday, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party won a landslide victory,
The same family has ruled Togo for 50 years. Will widespread protests change that? Joel Amegboh and Alexander Noyes - September 30, 2017 [caption id="attachment_64299" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Protesters call for reforms during an
Will there be a military coup in Zimbabwe? Probably not. Here’s why. Alexander Noyes - August 8, 2017 [caption id="attachment_61937" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Supporters of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe