Democrats underperformed their expectations in 2020. That’s not surprising, considering where the country is. Frances Lee - February 11, 2021 Americans live in an evenly divided country
The high turnout in 2020 wasn’t good for American democracy Lee Drutman - February 10, 2021 Under a different voting system, high turnout might be a sign of democratic health
Black voters helped Biden get elected. His presidency will be defined by how he acts on racial equity. Rashawn Ray - February 8, 2021 Biden has diversified his Cabinet. His policies to address structural inequalities will matter even more.
To learn about the Democratic Party’s future, look at what Latino organizers did in Arizona Liz McKenna and Hahrie Han - February 8, 2021 Leaders like Alex Gomez and Tomás Robles connected the party to issues voters cared about