Ukrainians are rallying global support via social media. But don’t call it a TikTok war. Jen Schradie - March 23, 2022 Here’s what my research finds
Twitter banned Marjorie Taylor Greene. That may not hurt her much. Megan A. Brown and Maggie Macdonald - January 13, 2022 She’s gaining followers and ‘likes’ on other social media platforms, our research finds
The Trump administration is investigating Google. Good luck pinning the giant down. Maha Rafi Atal - October 25, 2020 It’s hard to regulate Big Tech
Europe is targeting Big Tech with new taxes. It’s straining the transatlantic alliance. Rasmus Corlin Christensen and Martin Hearson - July 17, 2019 Trump’s new investigation is only the latest skirmish in this new divide.
A conservative YouTube star just lost his income stream for homophobic slurs Henry Farrell - June 6, 2019 YouTube isn’t ready to deal with political controversy.