Coronavirus is really bad news for Belarus President Lukashenko, for unexpected reasons Samuel Greene and Anna Lyubimtseva - November 12, 2020 People are tuning into dissident news and turning off state TV because they’re desperate for real information
There’s more to Belarus’s ‘Telegram Revolution’ than a cellphone app Tetyana Lokot, Olga Onuch, Mariëlle Wijermars, and Aliaksandr Herasimenka - September 10, 2020 New surveys show protesters had to be creative to share information.
What’s driving the Belarus protests? Kristin Bakke, John O’Loughlin, and Gerard Toal - August 21, 2020 Our survey reveals some clues, as well as generational divides
Belarus’s president looks for his sixth election victory on Sunday. He has a well-used playbook to win. Tatsiana Kulakevich - August 7, 2020 Alexander Lukashenko increasingly relies on law enforcement agencies to repress the opposition.
Belarus votes on Sunday. Our new survey shows what young voters are thinking. Félix Krawatzek - August 7, 2020 In a significant shift, 75 percent of young Belarusians distrust their president
The Belarus government is largely ignoring the pandemic. Here’s why. Tatsiana Kulakevich - April 21, 2020 With elections coming, this could be a risky move
What Lt. Col. Vindman’s critics get wrong about Jews who fled the Soviet Union Yelena Biberman and Matthew Simkowitz - November 19, 2019 To criticize his impeachment testimony, Republicans suggest there was a country called Ukraine in the 1970s.
In Belarus, Europe’s “last dictator” is actually allowing protest. Here’s why. Paul Schuler, Christopher Fariss, and Charles Crabtree - March 24, 2017 [caption id="attachment_55778" align="alignnone" width="960"] A protester shouts slogans and holds
Surprise! Belarus’s Lukashenko wins a fifth term in a landslide! (Okay, no surprise. Here’s what happened.) Matthew Frear - October 22, 2015 [caption id="attachment_31002" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, left, Belarus
Why Ukraine’s Euromaidan is not spreading to other post-Soviet states Nozima Akhrarkhodjaeva and Farid Guliyev - March 22, 2014 [caption id="attachment_8465" align="aligncenter" width="620" special=""] An anti-government protester runs during