How the student loan payment pause affected Latinx millennials Daisy Verduzco Reyes - August 11, 2022 With payments due again soon, will Biden offer any loan forgiveness?
Despite the pandemic, Americans are still optimists. That’s a powerful political force. Jennifer Wolak, Jacob Oliver, and Carey Stapleton - June 9, 2021 Our research found that American optimism improves civil society, increasing trust in one another and encouraging political involvement.
Post-prison, people just want normal things. Americans say that’s too much to expect. Esther Matthews - March 14, 2021 Stigma holds back those who’ve served time, and it’s visited on their children, my research finds
Tonight, Biden could use Trump’s returns to shift the debate on taxes Vanessa Williamson - September 28, 2020 The Democrats may return to their roots and paint Republicans as the party of big business corruption
Trump is running for reelection as a ‘strongman,’ promising protection from anarchy. That might not work. Sarah Daly - September 21, 2020 Citizens do elect candidates known for violence to protect them from violence — but under certain conditions
Trump keeps invoking the ‘American Dream.’ Americans are pessimistic that they can achieve it. Jennifer Wolak and David A. M. Peterson - September 20, 2020 That makes them less likely to respond to rhetoric about it.
Trump just issued another immigration ban. That’s because Congress handed over its immigration powers. Andrew Rudalevige / Managing Editor - April 23, 2020 Like most presidents, Trump isn’t allowing “a good crisis to go to waste.”
This inflammatory ad reveals why Republican women of color have a hard time getting elected Catherine Wineinger - October 4, 2019 What we can learn from how former lawmaker Mia Love upheld the GOP’s racial narratives — until she didn’t.
Here’s how Democratic candidates can change American opinion when talking about inequality Bastian Becker - September 16, 2019 Americans feel uneasy about income gaps that grow from characteristics that are hard or impossible to change.
How today’s big Supreme Court case on public-sector unions could lead to a fiscal crisis Jeffrey Kucik and Daniel DiSalvo - February 26, 2018 [caption id="attachment_69679" align="alignnone" width="960"] The Supreme Court in Washington at