The U.S. Census plans to add questions about gender Zein Murib - April 1, 2024 Political science research can help fine-tune these questions.
Who’s getting vaccinated? The answer has changed since the first wave. Cary Wu - September 15, 2022 At first, areas dense with Black and Latino Americans were left behind. Now, counties dominated by Whites are the laggards.
States are closing polling places. That hurts democracy. Chelsea N. Jones - June 16, 2022 When it’s harder to vote, Black and Brown voters, disabled voters, and low-income voters get shut out.
Thanks to Trump’s rhetoric, Asian Americans are moving toward the Democratic Party Vivien Leung, Nathan Chan, and Jae Yeon Kim - March 30, 2021 As Asian Americans grow as a slice of the electorate, they could affect politics at every level of government
Why Indian Americans are not becoming Republicans any time soon Sumitra Badrinathan, Milan Vaishnav, and Devesh Kapur - October 14, 2020 Our study examines why they’re sticking with the Democrats
Trump wants schools to reopen. What would persuade Latinos to send their kids? Gabriel R. Sanchez, Edward D. Vargas, and Adrián A. Pedroza - July 26, 2020 They’re already on the front lines of the pandemic — and yet they worry about their children’s education.
New poll: Most teenagers and adults think arming teachers is dangerous, favor minimum age for buying assault rifles John Sides - March 9, 2018 In the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Fla.,
What the ‘s—hole’ debate gets wrong about Africa Christopher Day and Beth Whitake - January 18, 2018 [caption id="attachment_68183" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President Trump and Sen. Dick Durbin,
Within 7 years, refugees are self-sufficient and contributing to the U.S., on average Ramya Vijaya, Monica Miller, and David Fletcher - August 15, 2017 Here's the data.
The U.S. census is in trouble. This is why it’s crucial to what the nation knows about itself. Henry Farrell - May 15, 2017 [caption id="attachment_58326" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Classes to teach census takers the