Beijing issued a white paper on China’s space program. Here’s what’s new. R. Lincoln Hines - February 1, 2022 China wants to shape international rules governing activities in outer space
Companies are commercializing outer space. Do government programs still matter? Svetla Ben-Itzhak - January 10, 2022 For now, national governments control the rules — and much of the funding
Why has Trump been threatening to attack Syria? (Hint: It’s probably not about Syria.) Carrie Lee - April 13, 2018 [caption id="attachment_72221" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President Trump at a news conference
A new Korean war would kill more U.S. military personnel than you might think Tanisha Fazal - January 8, 2018 Is the United States on the brink of war with North
The military doesn’t love Trump back. This is why. Carrie Lee - November 10, 2017 Veterans’ Day is a good time to examine how U.S.
What do we know about Russia’s ‘Grand Strategy?’ Andy Akin - May 2, 2017 [caption id="attachment_57621" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with
Ted Cruz wanted to ‘carpet bomb’ the Islamic State. Does he understand today’s military? Deonna Neal - March 18, 2016 [caption id="attachment_37312" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican from
Political Science Journals as Indirect Lobbying Henry Farrell - October 4, 2011 "Thomas Ricks": posts a disturbing - if not exactly surprising