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Ever wonder what your district looks like?

- October 21, 2009

In case you’ve ever wondered what your district (and that includes your US House of Representatives district, upper or lower Statehouse districts, and even local districts) looks like, there’s a new website out there that lets you find out at just a click of a button: “Redistricting the Nation.com”:http://www.redistrictingthenation.com/. Moreover, according to the “press release”:http://www.avencia.com/portals/0/press_releases/2009_10_21_Redistricting_The_Nation_Release.pdf I was sent about it (does this mean The Monkey Cage has officially arrived?), the site also allows you to compare the “compactness” score of the district, as well as find out who is in charge of redrawing boundaries following the 2010 census. Looks like it could be a fun teaching tool.

For what it’s worth, my district (NY District 8) comes up 10th, 3rd, 15th, and 18th out of 428 districts in various measures of compactness, where, according to the site, the lower the score, the more likely there is gerrymandering present. I’m sure the Hudson River has something to do with this, but, then again, I don’t think we’ve elected any Republicans to represent Greenwich Village any time recently…

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